Monday, August 30, 2010


Room 30 have been busy planning, writing and practising speeches for next week's competition! We have also listened to some famous speeches and discussed what the speaker did really well that we could do in our own speeches.
Below are some guidelines for delivering our speech to the class:

Below are some extra do's and don't created by Mrs Guy's Year 8 class from last year to help us! Just click on the link to check them out!

We also had a visitor called Sarah, from ASB today. She came to teach us about how to be sensible with our money and how to save. She did some funny role playing to show us how electronic money works and how to be wise with our money even when we can't see it! Money doesn't appear magically in the bank. We have to earn it in the first place. We can earn money by: selling stuff, working, doing chores, saving pocket money, trading stuff (only if we are allowed to!), looking after pets, and more. We went on a money 'boot camp', where we had to pretend to do some tasks to earn money, like: walking two dogs, washing the dishes while standing on one leg, mowing the lawns. Check out our photos below, don't we look funny! We played a game where we were split into 3 teams and had to sit in a line and earn money by passing cups back to our boss at the back of the line, who would then pay us by passing money back to the front. The trick was we had to pass the cup and the money to each person in the line without missing anyone out. We had to teamwork to complete this task. The winning team was the Yellow group. Check out our photos below!

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